What is EQ-i® LD?
EQ-i® LD expands your understanding of leadership in organizations from the perspective of emotional intelligence (IE) and helps you explore the direct role it plays in predicting leadership success. The development of this report was based both on current leadership theory and empirical research conducted with EQ-i® on thousands of leaders internationally. Many of the important empirical points of this report are based on research conducted at the Center for Creative Leadership. The results clearly demonstrate that EQ-i® scores can both predict the potential of effective leadership and correctly assess the strength of key skills included.
The EQ-i® Leadership Report (EQ-i® LD) is based on the famous BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory® (EQ-i®), the most commonly used empirically developed tool, multifactorial in measuring the concept of global socio-emotional intelligence. It starts from the Bar-On model, according to which IE consists of five metaphors (intrapersonal, interpersonal, stress management, adaptability, general condition). The five metaphors are subsumed 15 scales on the basis of which the classic EQ-i® profile is made.
The EQ-i® LD report comprises 40 pages structured in four parts.
To whom is it addressed and what is EQ-i® LD recommended for?
EQ-i® LD is aimed at business specialists in the area of development of people in management positions. The report identifies specific strong points of leadership skills as well as areas that need to be improved in order to improve leadership performance.
What are the peculiarities of EQ-i® LD?
APPLICABILITY OF. EQ-i® LD is applicable in various contexts, including executive level leadership, managerial level leadership and operational level leadership. He examines several key aspects of leadership. First, leadership skills are categorized based on three guidelines: people orientation, process orientation, and organization orientation. Leadership is also analyzed in terms of major leadership skills and behaviors that are described as focused and controlled leadership, action-oriented leadership, participatory leadership, and persistent leadership. These four functional pillars contribute in varying degrees to the three leadership guidelines.
COMPATIBLE EQ-i®. The leadership report can be generated based on a classic self-assessment using the test
EQ-i® Scale
EQ-i® comprises 15 scales and offers 15 corresponding scores, as well as five composite scores (corresponding to the 5 meta-factors) and a total emotional intelligence quotient (EQ).
EQ-i® scales and corresponding composite scales are:
•intrapersonal components: Personal Dignity (SR), Emotional self-awareness (ES), Assertiveness (AS), Independence (IN), Self-actualization (SA)
•interpersonal components: Empathy (EM), Social responsibility (RE), Interpersonal networking (IR)
•adaptability components: Reality testing (RT), Flexibility (FL), Problem Solving (PS)
•stress management components: Stress tolerance (ST), Impulse control (IC)
•general condition components: Optimism (OP), Happiness (HA)
The leadership report includes four sections:
•1 Introduction (in which the theoretical foundation, the EQ-i vision on Leadership, and how to use the report are presented).
•2 The executive profile (provides indicators and profiles for leadership guidelines and behavioral pillars, and discusses the specific components of IE that influence these constructs. It then continues with the EQ-i profile and the interpretations for the relevant components of EI in terms of leadership potential and deviance potential (derailment).
•3 The detailed description of the profile (focuses on the descriptions of the scores obtained for each leadership scale, but also on the strong points and weaknesses, respectively, explains the potential for outstanding performance, potential deviance and suggestions are given to improve leadership skills, abilities and skills).
•4 Development section (provides recommendations for further development, specific strategies for improving leadership skills, and, as well as an action plan that the evaluated person can use to devise steps to help them achieve their leadership goals).
The test can be applied online.
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