PI® is considered one of the best personality inventories internationally and is the most common choice among Romanian specialists when they want to evaluate personality as a predictor of work performance and the potential for learning. CPI® is available in self-declarative form for the assessment of normal or quasi-normal adult personality, providing exhaustive results corresponding to an administration duration of only 25-35 minutes.

The ICC was built from the outset with the intention of providing a clear and effective overview of personal and professional characteristics, motivation and thinking styles, whose applicability is found in a multitude of situations and contexts, from applications such as personnel selection, analysis of leadership skills, creative skills, diagnosis of groups/work teams, etc, vocational orientation, career development and reaching quasi-clinical and social adaptability uses (deviance and delinquency diagnosis). It is designed by empirical derivation and is based on the cuboid model, based on the intersection of three vectors (Extraversion-Introversion, Orientation to/against the norm, Level of update).

Since it has been specifically designed to assess the management and leadership potential, this tool is perfect when it is necessary to identify the strengths and areas of development of a person. On the other hand, the tool can easily be used to understand and facilitate interactions in a group of people. In Romanian organizations, CPI® is used for a variety of applications in the area of leadership and development, as well as for identifying talents. The questionnaire is also highly effective for individual or group coaching, management training programmes and global performance improvement initiatives.


Who is it addressed to and what is CPI® recommended for?

CPI® is dedicated to all specialists working in the field of business and coaching, interested in: recruitment and selection, onboarding, talent identification, organizational culture diagnosis and work group dynamics, development, training and coaching, being an extremely good predictor of work performance and learning ability at work. The inventory also provides the opportunity to conduct team study in organisations to build a team, to match and review interpersonal differences and to foster collaboration.

In the field of health, CPI® can be used to establish the individual profile and certain behavioral patterns, so that the success rate of therapy can be determined, which is, whether it is possible to establish feasible objectives according to the personality structure.


What are the peculiarities of the CPI® ?

CPR ACCREDITATION. CPI® is recommended by the Romanian College of Psychologists and received in 2006 the indefinite opinion in the fields of labor and industrial-organizational psychology; psychology applied in services; transport psychology; educational psychology; school and vocational counseling; clinical psychology; psychological counseling; applied psychology in the field of national security; judicial psychology.

INTERPRETATIVE POWER. The inventory is by far one of the most exhaustive in the world, featuring groupings of scales that provide detailed predictive information on personality. According to interpretative principles, the values and correlations between scales confer the varied and particular nuances of the psychodiagnosis.

COMBATING DISTORTION. The CPI® includes in its structure several mechanisms to capture and prevent positive or negative distortion attempts, as well as random responses.

EXCELLENT TIME/OUTCOMES REPORT. The results of the CPI® are immediately available after two types of reports: the simple CPI® report and the CPI® PLUS report (examples are available in the Scale/Profiles section). Being a class B tool, the interpretative power of the ICC® is maximum in the hands of those who are either licensed as psychologists, or have expertise in psychometrics or skills acquired in associated areas.


The CPI Scales®

It contains 20 primary scales ("popular") and a variable number (from variant to variant, between 7 and 12) of secondary scales. Primary scales are grouped into 4 main categories:

(a) Interpersonal style and orientation measures, with scales such as Dominance (Do), Status Ability (Cs), Sociability (So), Social Presence (Sp), Self-acceptance (Sa), and, Independence (In), Empathy (Em);

(b) Measures of value and normative orientation, with scales such as Responsibility (Re), Socialization (So), Self-control (Sc), Good Impression (Gi), Communality (Cm), etc, Well-being (Wb) and Tolerance (To);

(c) Measures of cognitive and intellectual functioning, with scales such as Achievement through Compliance (Ac), Achievement through Independence (Ai) and Intellectual Efficiency (Ie);

(d) Interpersonal role and style measures, with scales such as Psychological Intuition (Py), Flexibility (Fx) and Femininity/Masculinity (F/M).

The secondary scales of the CPI® are:

•(Potential Managerial, Managerial Potential)

•(Orientation to Work, Work Orientation)

•(Ct Creative Temperament, Creative Temperament)

•(Leadership, Leadership)

•(Amability, Amicability)

•leo (Orientation to Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement Orientation)

•(Stubbornness, Tough-mindedness)

•(B-Ms and B-Fm Scale (Baucom Scale for Femininity/Masculinity)

•(Anxiety, Anxiety)

•(Narcissism, Narcissism)

Areas of applicability and strengths:

The results and interpretation of the data provided by MBTI help to find solutions for:

•improving communication between team members and at the organization level

•effective conflict management

•improving the way problems are solved and decisions are made

•planning and coordinating changes within the organization

•recognizing and combating stress

•continuous skills development and career planning

•increase efficiency at the team level

•development of organizational culture


Key benefits:

•Applying a logical and coherent structure for identifying and analyzing the personality types of people in the organization

•According to a person's strengths

•providing information on which managers can provide effective feedback

•support for understanding oneself and discovering the working style of others

•the development of emotional intelligence

•Encouraging continuous improvement and supporting change-oriented culture


The test can be applied online.

To detail what you need in your organization, contact us at: tbs@tbs.ro


Author Picture
Camera de Comert si Industrie a Romaniei

Camera de Comert si Industrie a Romaniei

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British Romanian Chamber of Commerce

British Romanian Chamber of Commerce


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