What is EQ-i®?
Emotional Quotient Inventory measures emotional intelligence in adults and adolescents from the Bar-On model perspective.
EQ-i® is an empirically developed, multifactorial and theoretically eclectic test designed to measure emotional intelligence. This revolutionary test is the result of over 17 years of research on the concept; with studies and experiments that have crossed the borders of more than 10 states, in an effort to develop a cross-cultural approach to describing and evaluating emotional intelligence. Structurally, the questionnaire reflects Reuven Bar-On's view on social-emotional intelligence. According to this model, at the base of this type of intelligence are five metaphors: intrapersonal, interpersonal, stress management, adaptability and general condition.
Although intuitively it seems that the EQ-i® is an aptitude test, it rather assesses the performance potential, and not the performance itself (that is, the potential to succeed rather than the success itself). It is process-oriented rather than result-oriented, which is why the measurement of the emotional intelligence quotient is done using verbal items similar to the items in personality tests.
To whom is it addressed and what is EQ-i® recommended for?
In business, a person's skills and competences can provide essential elements of business success, but they are not enough. Common reasoning based on education, experience, recommendations or official titles often proves elusive or futile. Contrary to general perception, the management of such complex assets does not predictively capture human performance. Thus, in an organizational environment characterized by instability, the assessment of IE becomes imperative. Implementation of IE-based programmes and their inclusion in staff mechanics, processes such as recruitment and selection, training and training, and, talent management will increase the profitability of the decision and will ensure you drastically decrease the costs resulting from losses.
EQ-i® can be used in a multitude of environments where it is necessary to evaluate emotional intelligence and its potential for development, including alongside the organizational environment, and educational environments, clinical, medical, research and in crime prevention programs.
What are the parcularities of EQ-i®?
THE ACCESSIBILITY. EQ-i® can be applied both pencil-paper and electronic, both individually and in group. It is a tool of 133 verbal items that uses a five-point response scaling (from ”not true for me” to ”true for me”), which is, with an estimated administration time of 30-40 minutes, however, there is no time limit.
CONCEPTUAL MODEL. EQ-i® offers the opportunity to deepen the individual emotional perspective and improve it.
1) The intrapersonal metaphor refers to self-awareness and self-expression, governing a person's ability to be aware of his own emotions and of himself in general, to understand their own strengths and weaknesses and to express their feelings and self in a non-destructive manner.
2) Interpersonal metaphor refers to consciousness, habits and social interaction, that is, the ability of a person to be aware of feelings, habits, and social interaction, the concerns and needs of others and being able to initiate and maintain cooperative, constructive and mutually satisfying relationships.
3) The stress management meta-factor refers to emotional management and control, the ability of a person to manage emotions so that they work to the advantage, and not against it.
4) The adaptability factor refers to the management of change, that is, to the adaptation both to personal and interpersonal changes, and to immediate environmental changes.
5) The general state metafactor refers to self-motivation and the ability of a person to enjoy himself, others, and life in general, but also how they influence their overall view of life and overall sense of contentment.
EQ-i® Scale
EQ-i® comprises 15 scales and offers 15 corresponding scores, as well as five composite scores (corresponding to the 5 meta-factors) and a total emotional intelligence quotient (EQ).
EQ-i® scales and corresponding composite scales are:
•Intrapersonal components: Personal Dignity (SR), Emotional self-awareness (ES), Assertiveness (AS), Independence (IN), Self-actualization (SA)
•Interpersonal components: Empathy (EM), Social responsibility (RE), Interpersonal networking (IR)
•Adaptability components: Reality testing (RT), Flexibility (FL), Problem Solving (PS)
•Stress management components: Stress tolerance (ST), Impulse control (IC)
• General condition components: Optimism (OP ), Happiness (HA)
The test can be applied online.
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